Landscape Fred's LLC

Have a landscaping or hardscaping-related question? Landscape Fred's LLC has the answer. Check out these FAQs and call Landscape Fred's today for more information and a free project estimate!

  • Can Landscape Fred's LLC assist me in designing a new hardscape or landscape layout?

    Absolutely, crafting new designs to enhance the beauty of your property is one of our specialties.

  • What types of materials does Landscape Fred's LLC use for paver projects in hardscaping?

    Our projects utilize a variety of materials including gravel, stone, concrete, landscape fabric, stone dust, and crushed stone to achieve durable and aesthetic results.

  • Which mulch is recommended by Landscape Fred's LLC to complement my landscape?

    We recommend choosing a mulch color that harmonizes with your home's exterior, ensuring an appealing color combination.

  • Does Landscape Fred's LLC offer a warranty on pavers and their installation?

    Yes, we back our pavers with the manufacturer's warranty and are committed to ensuring customer satisfaction with our installation services.

  • Are the paving stones used by Landscape Fred's LLC environmentally friendly?

    Indeed, paving stones are an eco-friendly choice. They are permeable, allowing water to seep through and enabling ground bacteria to naturally filter toxins before they can affect nearby water bodies.

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